10 Ways to Pray for Your Husband

ayer is beautiful, wonderful, and sacrificial. It’s a privilege and a blessing.
Before I met Ryan, I was praying for him. And now that we’ve been married for 11 years, I’m praying for him now more than ever.
There’s something intimate and bonding about praying for your husband because only you  know some of the battles that he’s facing. What’s he dealing with at work? What areas is he working to grow in? How are his family relationships?
It’s easy to complain and make excuses for not praying, but ladies – wives, let’s fiercely fight for our marriages by praying for our husbands! Prayer should be our first and most powerful weapon against any division within or opposition against our marriages.
If you’re having trouble getting started, try printing or writing this list down. Place it where you see it daily. Then, when you’re going about your day and you see it, pray for your husband! Maybe even set reminders in your phone or calendar. Get creative!
Another idea, spend time praying about one of these for the next 10 days. Work your way down the list and expand on just one each day. You’ll find that as you bring your husband to God in prayer, your heart toward your husband will be radically changed and your perspective of his role in your life is refreshed.
There are no set rules, just be honest. Remember, God knows your needs, even before you ask Him. (Matthew 6:5-14)

10 Ways To Pray For Your Husband:

(PS–I usually say Ryan’s name instead of “my husband”, and I recommend you insert your husbands name as well!)
  1. I pray for my husband’s relationship with God.
  2. I pray that my husband would have a soft heart toward God.
  3. I pray that God would bless my husband.
  4. I pray for my husband to be a devoted spiritual leader for our family.
  5. I pray for my husband to have a heart for our children.
  6. I pray for my husband to make wise choices.
  7. I pray for my husband’s emotional, mental and physical health.
  8. I pray for my husband to flourish at work.
  9. I pray for my husband’s strength to resist sexual temptation.
  10. I pray that I will show my husband respect, grace and kindness.
Remember fierce wives, prayer is powerful! We are talking to the Designer of marriage itself, the King of the universe, and the one who is fighting for us and with us

My challenge to you:

However you do it, I challenge you to pray through this entire list. If you’re a writer (I know I love journaling), write your prayers out and keep it in your journal or somewhere else “private”. Then, in a few weeks and months, read through your prayer and watch to see how God works in your marriage!
